Tools You’ll Need: Tape Measure, Utility Knife, Soft Face Hammer, Framing Square, Wood Chisels, Flooring Saw, Coping Saw, Pencil, Caulk Gun, Table Saw.

Step 1: Trim Door Casings and Jams

To install a laminate floor, first use a flooring saw to make room for the new flooring at doorways by cutting back casings and jams. Use a scrap of new flooring to gauge the cut and a handsaw to cut the casing. Then wrap around and cut the jam.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 1

Step 2: Clean Up

Next, clean the room so there's no dust or debris to interfere with the new floor.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 2

Step 3: Install Underlayment

Roll out underlayment and cover the entire sub floor. Underlayment is cut to length, placed into position, and trimmed with a utility knife at edges where needed. At heating units, it's trimmed and tucked underneath.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 3

Step 4: Tape Underlayment Seams

Where pieces meet, the seams are sealed with seam tape to make it a continuous layer. On this product, the tape is integral.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 4

Step 5: Installing Flooring From Left to Right

To install the flooring, begin on the longest wall and work left to right. The first row will require a rip cut to remove the lip and leave a clean edge.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 5

Step 6: Mark and Cut Around Obstructions

Here, a heating pipe obstructs the first piece and will require a special cut.

Mark with a pencil, and use a coping saw to make the circular cut. Then, fit the piece and position it around the pipe.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 6
How to Install Laminate flooring - step 7

Step 7: Connect End Joints

Laminate floors lock together on all sides each with it's own proprietary system. Here, the end piece slips in as you fit and lock the pieces together.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 8

Step 8: Snap Edges Together

Edges fit together by lifting the top edge and connecting the interlocking joint.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 9

Step 9: Stagger Joints

Once the first row is in, subsequent rows just lock in place as you fan out and fill in the field. Stagger the rows for a random look.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 10

Step 10: Shave the Lip off and Glue

At door jams, temporarily install the adjacent piece to easily see the shape of the next one. Then, use a tape measure to take measurements and cut the piece. For tricky areas like this, where new flooring will extend under the casing and jam, shave the lip off the tongue with a sharp chisel and add glue to secure the joint.

Use the manufacturer supplied beater block and a dead-blow hammer to nudge it into position. Then, continue with installation until the final row. It's necessary to shave the lip and add glue for strength.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 11
How to Install Laminate flooring - step 12

Step 11: Nudge the Row

To fit the last piece, use the beater block and dead-blow hammer to nudge the entire row down to make room. Then, shave the lip off the end piece and the lip lengthwise and add glue to all joints before setting the piece and knocking the row back into position.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 13

Step 12: Set the Molding

The final transition is between the laminate floor and tile floor. Here we install a heavy bead of construction adhesive and sink a piece of T-molding into the gap to bridge the two floor surfaces. 

Painter's tape holds it in position as the adhesive sets up.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 14
How to Install Laminate flooring - step 15

Step 13: Install Shoe Molding

Finally, we install shoe molding around the baseboard, and at doorways, and the installation is complete.

How to Install Laminate flooring - step 16
How to Install Laminate flooring - step 17


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To reduce the risk of personal injury and property damage, read and follow all related product manufacturers instruction manuals and information before performing any of the applications shown. Some construction-related applications shown may not be allowed in your local area. Consult your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) before starting work for information on permits, applicable codes, and other regulations. STANLEY disclaims any responsibility for any damage to property or injury to persons as a result of misuse of the information provided.